I have been feeling the weight of the world lately.  Last week my friend, Maggie, was diagnosed with serious breast cancer—she is 29 years old and an amazing force of joy in our group of friends.  Needless to say, it has been a tough week for me and I have found myself staring at the screen of my computer, clicking the key board not knowing what I am writing.  I was writing to an organizer in Vietnam that other day and when signing off the email I wrote: "Good work.  Hang in there, I hope you are finding spurts of lightness and happiness in your day. xo Love you, HBOX."  As I re-read before sending I was like—whoa, WHERE is my brain, that wasn't what I meant to write, but I couldn't get myself to delete and just say my usual – together we are gonna save the world and end climate change!!  So I deleted the sentence I mistyped and said—"Hey, I'm going through some hard times right now in my life but coming into 350.org everyday and seeing the amazing photos that people like you are sending in of 10/10/10 planning meetings and hearing the stories of people across the globe organizing for a better, healthier, more peaceful world is giving me energy and strength to keep my head up through these tough times. THANK YOU for that. – HBOX"

It really is.  So thanks for the stories, thanks for believing the world will be a better place soon and working so hard to make that happen.  10/10/10 will be an amazing day, it will serve as proof that people across the world can look past our national lines, our racial lines, our class and gender lines and take action as people, as loving people working together to save our nature, our health and our sense of oneness.  Keep the stories coming! xo HBOX