In an article from the Washington Post, we found some news about how the President-to-Poland ask is being picked up by reporters. Reuters asked Sen. John McCain how he would engage in international climate talks.

by Al Kamen–

“John McCain hasn’t been making it a habit of late to play up his old support for action on climate change, but he stunned some conservatives last week when he said that, if elected, he would ‘tap’ none other than Al Gore for some role in environmental matters.

In an interview with Reuters, McCain was asked if he’d be up front in international talks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. McCain said he would do ‘whatever is necessary to try to move forward.’ He said he would involve Gore in that effort. ‘I would tap him, I would tap people who have been involved in these issues for many years,’ McCain said. McCain told Reuters he disagreed with Gore about nuclear energy but added, ‘I have great respect for Al Gore.'”

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