Look at these photos that have come in this week as people plan for their 10/10/10 events and do some pre 10/10/10 publicity:

Since I came on to the 350.org team two weeks ago to help coordinate the East Asia 10/10/10 events, my level of hope that we can change this world has quadrupled. It's not just that I have more hope, it's that everyday I get to see, from all corners of the globe, proof that we can and are changing the world.
10/10/10 organizers: keep sending in photos of all the pre-planning you are doing – it has made my days in front of a computer rapid firing emails to the other side of the earth totally inspiring!! Send photos to: [email protected]
Some stats so far:
1300+ events in 125 countries
Events are planned in:
48 of the 50 US states
22 of 28 Indian states
31 out of 54 African countries
30+ European Countries
Go world!