24 October can seem like a long way off. So some groups aren’t waiting to get their local 350 movement started. In Concord, MA in the northeast of the U.S., local organizers held a ‘kick-off’ event this past weekend to do a 350 action and start building the buzz in their town. They formed a human 350 in a field near town, comprised of 182 people (including two babies), two dogs and three puppets.
Organizers said community building among like-minded locals was part of the goal for the event. ConcordCAN volunteers encouraged people who turned out for the occasion to organize their own 350 events. Think about what kind of events and initiatives you can do in your town to raise awareness about 350, build momentum, and get more people involved in planning for the big day on 24 October. You could present at local meetings, try to get on the radio, put up fliers around town – the options are open! We have a lot of work in front of us – 24 October will be a major time to come together and make our voices heard, but its important to build the movement locally to keep the pressure on.