Thanks to many of you, this year has already been a whirlwind of climate action, but it’s no news that the climate is getting hotter and the time to peak in emissions is increasingly urgent, so we’ve got to continue to step-up to the challenge that lies ahead of us.
So as part of our climate movement building efforts for the rest of this year, we are currently orgaising 3 free ‘Training for Trainers’ (T4T) in some of Europe’s major cities. The aim of this is to keep growing this movement and supporting the grassroots leadership of climate organisers everywhere.
While they are happening in capital cities, we’re encouraging participants from across the selected countries and you can apply here:
- Madrid, Spain: 31st August-3rd September. Applications close Monday 27th August.
- Berlin, Germany: 13th-16th September. Applications close Tuesday 4th September
- Paris, France: 27th-30th September. Applications close Tuesday 18th September.

Each training is a chance for six inspired and passionate climate leaders to bring the national and local climate movement to a new level. Those who take part in the 3.5 day gathering will be empowered to run their own workshops, support other organisers across the country, and help build new local groups. We’ll learn about and practise important campaigning skills, including storytelling, facilitation, team building, planning and strategy.
The training will be predominantly conducted in English, so applicants should have a good level of English proficiency. We are sorry that at the moment we cannot lead the workshops in local languages, however we hope that next time those who successful ‘graduate’ from this course will be able to help lead and organise future trainings. Accommodation, food and materials will be provided, and we may also be able to support some travel costs if selected participants require assistance.
If you are ready to step up, please apply now and contact [email protected] if you have any questions!
While these gatherings can’t include everyone unfortunately, those who attend will be reaching out to connect with everyone else in the weeks and months that follow. We need absolutely each and every one of you in this struggle, and the training will not be the only chance to get more involved!
This has been such an exciting year, and it’s been such a mighty privilege organising with you all. We look forward to receiving your applications to make this movement bigger and better – with your energy, passion and leadership.