Here’s Rep. Peter Welch, (D-Vermont):


HARTLAND, VT On the International Day of Climate Action, Rep. Peter Welch issued the following statement:


Throughout Vermont, throughout the United States and throughout the world, people are taking action today to demonstrate the irrefutable fact that if we fail to change our ways, our planet faces great peril.

The science is clear and has been for years. With the amount of carbon in the atmosphere topping 390 parts per million, our world is already witnessing melting ice caps, growing droughts and rapidly spreading disease. Inaction will compound these problems and threaten the world in which we live.


Today I call on fellow legislators within the United States and throughout the world to heed the call being sounded today at 5,000 actions in 179 countries. The message is clear: we must work together across lines of party, ideology and border to put science first. We must reduce the amount of carbon in our atmosphere to 350 parts per million.

If we approach the problem of climate change with the energy and enthusiasm displayed throughout the world today, I have great hope that we will meet with success.