
Thrilled to see this imagine of people rallying at the only traffic lights on the island of Seychelles, home of 350's dear friend Ronny Jumeau. Ronny is Ambassador to the United Nations from the Seychelles, and has been an outspoken advocate for reaching 350 ppm and keeping global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celcius.

Ronny had the following words to share on the eve of Moving Planet:

"The people of small islands such as Seychelles are already among the ones suffering the most from the lack of movement by those most responsible for climate change.  For two years now we have been suffering the most crippling drought ever in Seychelles.  Our coral reefs are sick, the seas around us are getting angrier and recent pictures in the Seychelles media of our world famous beaches being washed away just broke my heart.

That is why we Seychellois and the other the islanders of the world need to take the lead and Move First, and Move as Fast and as Far as we can with the few resources we have…not just to set the example, but in the hope of shaming those who need to, and should, move the most but are moving the least or not enough."

Here's a video of Ronny speaking at a press conference at the UN last year: