This is a guest post from quilter extrodinaire Ulla:

The Solutions to Climate Change Quilt measures 8 x 14 ft and has 350 pieces, to represent the 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide (CO2) that NASA climatologist James Hansen has said is the maximum safe level of CO2 in our atmosphere.

The quilt will be taken to Washington DC on November 18th, as part of’s national day of action, and a framed photograph of the quilt will be presented to President Obama to urge him to make climate change a priority in the first 100 days. You can sign the back of the quilt and add your voice to the call to protect our planet’s future.

While President Obama’s election and the new democratic majority in Congress give us hope that climate change will finally be taken seriously, we must continue to speak out. As he himself proclaimed in his acceptance speech, this is not the change we seek, but the chance to make that change.

We have the chance to convince our representatives to commit to a safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere, and to invest in green jobs and clean energy. We have the chance to be heard over the voices of the coal, and nuclear industries. We have the chance to achieve a safe future for ourselves and our children.

The Solutions to Climate Change Quilt represents the efforts of over a hundred individuals, and embodies the idea that solutions to climate change exist. We just need to put them into practice.  Add your name to the back of the quilt, and join in sending a message to President Obama – in order to undertake the massive investment required to transition to a green economy, he needs to know we care.