
【Joint Press Release】143 Organizations from more than 30 countries call on the 3 Japanese megabanks to end fossil fuel finance

<Joint Press Release>

June 22, 2021

350.org Japan
Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES)
Kiko Network
Friends of the Earth Japan
Rainforest Action Network
Mekong Watch
Greenpeace Japan


143 Organizations from more than 30 countries call on the 3 Japanese megabanks to end fossil fuel finance



Japan — 143 organizations from more than 30 countries and regions, including environmental NGOs, youth groups, and civil society groups, have submitted a petition calling on the three Japanese megabanks, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, SMBC Group, and Mizuho Financial Group, to phase out financing and investments for the fossil fuel sector and the forestry sector, for the role they play in accelerating the climate crisis. The petition was delivered before the banks’ Annual Shareholders Meetings on 23 June. 


The petition notes that whilst the three megabanks have improved their climate response in recent years, their efforts are simply not enough to align with the Paris Agreement. Last month, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that, in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, no more investments should be directed to new fossil fuel projects, and existing facilities should be gradually phased out. However, the current targets set by the banks to curb financed GHG emissions do not meet these requirements. The petition also pointed out that their policies on coal power, coal mining, oil and gas, and forest-related sectors must go further. 


The three banks are the world’s top three lenders to the coal industry and the world’s principal financiers of fossil fuels— the major contributor to the worsening climate crisis.


The groups are demanding that the three megabanks demonstrate leadership towards a carbon-free society through responsible financial actions as described below:



  • We call upon the banks to cease funding new fossil fuel-related projects and projects that involve deforestation without exceptions.

  • We call upon the banks to outline a strategy to phase out existing investment and financing for fossil fuel projects or related companies on a timeframe that is consistent with the Paris Agreement 1.5 degree target, and to clarify short-, medium-, and long-term targets and metrics for the achievement of these objectives.

  • We call upon the banks to ensure that your roadmap for decarbonization doesn’t rely on practically unproven technologies, such as CCUS and co-combustion. 


* Please refer to “Principles for Paris-Aligned Financial Institutions” for more details.


Reference: Special webpage (https://350jp.org/3megabank-petition-org-eng/)


Petition texts (English Translation)




350.org Japan ([email protected])


Signed Organizations:

350 Argentina Argentina
Australian Conservation Foundation Australia
Friends of the Earth Australia Australia
Bangladesh Working Group on Extenral Debt (BWGED) Bangladesh
CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network) Bangladesh
350 Brazil Brazil
Asian Environmental Youth Network China
Save Virunga Congo {Democratic Rep}
350 Pacific Fiji
Friends of the Earth France France
Reclaim Finance France
350.org Germany Germany
Urgewald Germany
African Stars Foundation Ghana
Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities Ghana
Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur India
Environics Trust India
350.org Indonesia Indonesia
Alliance of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM SI) Indonesia
Fossil Free University of Indonesia Indonesia
Friday For Future Indonesia Indonesia
Friends of the Earth Indonesia Indonesia
Lambung Mangkurat University Student Executive Board Indonesia
Student Association of Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science University of Indonesia Indonesia
Student Body of FKB TELKOM UNIVERSITY Indonesia
Student Executive Board Diponegoro University Indonesia
Student Executive Board Esa Unggul University Indonesia
Student Executive Board of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta Indonesia
Student Executive Board of Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia Indonesia
Student Executive Board Universitas Indonesia Indonesia
Student Government of University of Sumatra Utara Indonesia
WALHI West Java ( Friends of the Earth Indonesia ) Indonesia
All Party System Co. Ivory Coast
GEYK(Green Environment Youth Korea) Korea South
Climate Action Malaysia (KAMY) Malaysia
Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific Malaysia
Friends of the Earth Malaysia Malaysia
Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY) Malaysia
Oyu Tolgoi Watch Mongolia
Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ) Nepal
BankTrack Netherlands
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum Pakistan
Rural Development Policy Institute Pakistan
350 Pilipinas Philippines
Asian Energy Network (AEN) Philippines
Asian Peoples Movement on Debt & Development Philippines
Center for Environmental Concerns – Philippines Inc. Philippines
Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE) Philippines
Legal Right and Natural Resources Center Philippines
Philippine Movement for Climate Justice Philippines
Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines Philippines
350 SG Singapore
Centre for Environmental Justice Sri Lanka
Climate City Zurich Switzerland
fossil-free.ch Switzerland Switzerland
Future instead of coal Switzerland Switzerland
350 Taiwan Taiwan
Air Clean Taiwan Taiwan
Anti-air pollution alliance of southern Taiwan Taiwan
Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan Taiwan
Environmental Rights Foundation Taiwan
International Climate Development Institute (ICDI) Taiwan
Mom Loves Taiwan Assiciation Taiwan
Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition Taiwan
Green South Foundation Thailand
350 for Climate Turkey
350 Europe United Kingdom
Christian Aid United Kingdom
350.org US United States
Bucks Environmental Action United States
Inclusive Development International United States
Mighty Earth United States
Oil Change International United States
The Law and Policy of Sustainable Development Research Center Vietnam
350 Eigo 日本 (Japan)
350 New ENEration 日本 (Japan)
350.org Japan 日本 (Japan)
350Tokyo 日本 (Japan)
350volunteer chushikoku network 日本 (Japan)
Art Island Center 日本 (Japan)
ATTAC Japan 日本 (Japan)
Bench coffee co. 日本 (Japan)
Blue earthnet Hiroshima 日本 (Japan)
Citizens Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA) 日本 (Japan)
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Japan 日本 (Japan)
Climate Action Network Japan (CAN-Japan) 日本 (Japan)
Climate Emergency Action Fujisawa 日本 (Japan)
EAS-Y Green 日本 (Japan)
Fridays for future Kumamoto 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Dazaifu 日本 (Japan)
fridays for future fukuoka 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Furano 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Hiroshima 日本 (Japan)
fridays for future iwate 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Kagoshima 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Kobe 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Kyoto 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Niigata 日本 (Japan)
Fridays for Future Osaka 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Sapporo 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Sendai 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Shiga 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Tokyo 日本 (Japan)
Fridays For Future Yamaguchi 日本 (Japan)
Friends of the Earth Japan 日本 (Japan)
going my way+ 日本 (Japan)
Green People’s Power 日本 (Japan)
Greenpeace Japan 日本 (Japan)
Greens Japan 日本 (Japan)
Japan Association of Environment and Society for 21th century 日本 (Japan)
Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES) 日本 (Japan)
Japan Congress against A- and H-Bombs(GENSUIKIN) 日本 (Japan)
Kiko Network 日本 (Japan)
Mekong Watch 日本 (Japan)
Niseko Eco Project 日本 (Japan)
No Coal Yokosuka 日本 (Japan)
NPO Seven Generations 日本 (Japan)
NPO.EE.Harmony 日本 (Japan)
Peoples Energy Chiba 日本 (Japan)
peoples’ power network 日本 (Japan)
Pepe movie Hk 日本 (Japan)
poco a poco ~Attaka miraiwo tukurukai~ from Hiroshima 日本 (Japan)
Powershift Suginami 日本 (Japan)
Proliance Japan Co. Ltd 日本 (Japan)
Protect Our Winters Japan 日本 (Japan)
PV-Net(PV owners Network) 日本 (Japan)
Rainforest Action Network 日本 (Japan)
SDGs shikoku 88 日本 (Japan)
Spiral Club 日本 (Japan)
URAEUS 日本 (Japan)
Workers corporation Shibayama Agreen 日本 (Japan)
Zero Emission Bunkyo 日本 (Japan)
MAMANO CHOCOLATE(Kotaro inc.) 日本 (Japan)
Save the Earth! Action97 日本 (Japan)
350 Asia Other
350.org Other
350Africa.org Other
Avaaz Other
CEE Bankwatch Network Other
EKOenergy ecolabel Other
Green TEA Other