You've probably seen this psychedelic animated film from our friends at “Coalition of the Willing” – exploring ways to wire up a more powerful, and networked movement in a post-Copenhagen world. If you haven't yet, it's well worth powering down whatever else you're doing and giving it a good watch.
We're big fans of the film at (maybe you can spot the website cameo?). So, we were even more pumped when the filmmakers wrote to us about the project’s next evolution: a web hosted “Coalition Movement Camp” coinciding with the 10/10/10 Global Work Party this Sunday.
My understanding of the Coalition Movement Camp is that it's kind of like an All-Day Online Work Party, creating a catalytic digital back-beat to the over 7,000 real world work parities we’re hoping to be blown away by on 10/10/10. The idea is to bring together web innovators and everyone passionate about solving climate change to work on an array of Internet-based work projects that will lift all of us up as we power past the big day.
My community's going to be getting to work just about all day on 10/10/10 — but I'm excited to put down my shovel for a spell & plug into this cutting-edge collaborative experiment. Maybe you’ll take a short break from hammering in solar or fixing up your neighbor’s bike to join in too?
Check out the full invitation from the filmmakers below.
On October 10, 2010, Coalition of the Willing invites you take part in the second phase of the project: the Coalition Movement Camp 10/10/10 Work Party — a flash mob development party for the climate movement.
This is your opportunity to log on, converge, and swarm!
The aim of the Coalition Movement Camp is to enable activists, experts, and ordinary people to
collaborate online with the world's top web design talent. The goal is to brainstorm ideas towards a
new generation of internet platforms for the climate crisis.
The Coalition Movement Camp is staged to coincide with's 10/10/10 Global Day of Action.
The venue is an open collaboration space: The party will run from 10am
to 10pm EST. There will be sessions devoted to specific projects and campaigns including 350,
OneClimate, and Appropedia. You’ll be able to upload image and video files and contribute to real
time chat. There will be twitter aggregation and webcasts incorporating contributions by Skype video.
Our facilitators will work to summarize developments and keep you up to speed. We are looking
forward to an incredible day of collaborative design, planning, and development.
Sign up to the Coalition Movement Camp over here:
Chances are you will be busy on 10/10/10 with other work party projects. The good news is that you
can drop in and out of the Camp. You might join a conversation and monitor it through the day. You
might participate at different points of the day, contributing to those sessions that interest you. You
might add something over breakfast, then log in again after dinner to check up on developments.
We’re launching the Movement Camp on the Net, but this doesn’t preclude face to face engagement as part of this effort. We are working with Meetup Everywhere to enable groups to gather in net convenient spaces where their conversation can join the Movement Camp deliberations. Check to see if there are any Meetups in your area. Feel free to start one if there aren’t!
If you have a platform-in-development or other ideas you'd like to share with our community, we
are happy to discuss organizing a session. Email Tim Rayner (tim at timrayner dot net) or Michael
Maranda (tropology at gmail dot com) and we'll take it from there.
We are currently building the collaborative platform for the Coalition Movement Camp. Sign up for
updates on the project-in-progress, and keep an eye on
The results of the Coalition Movement Camp will be collated and made available under a Creative
Commons License on the Coalition blog.
You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter @coalitionfilm