A guest post from Aaron Packard, 350.org all-star spearheading 350 Aotearoa (and beyond!)


Bula from Suva, Fiji!

The young people of the Pacific Islands are sending an overwhelming call for action on climate change.

I’ve been over here for the Pacific Youth Festival on behalf of 350.org to run a workshop and spark up actions for Oct 24th across the Pacific. I was joined by inspiring young climate activists from across the Pacific. The festival has brought together over 400 young people from across the Pacific – Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji, Wallis & Futuna, Tonga, Cook Islands, Tokelau, Vanuatu, American Samoa, Nauru, FSM, Tahiti…

I’ve never felt a stronger call to action on climate change than from being here to listen and share with our brothers and sisters from the Pacific. So look out for actions from Pacific nations on Oct 24th – we are working hard to get an action in every Pacific nation!  Their future is not negotiable–and with so many young people here, a small group of us decided that it was an ideal opportunity to draft up the Pacific Youth Climate Declaration. Here’s a summary of what we came up with:

  • For Pacific Youth to become aware and inspired to have a stronger voice on climate change
  • For Australia and New Zealand recognise their regional responsibility and become leaders in addressing climate change
  • For youth to be represented at international conferences on climate change (including Copenhagen, COP15)
  • For climate change to be recognised as a human rights issue
  • To make our presence visible, by supporting young people of the Pacific to join thousands around the world on October 24th for the 350.org Global Day of Action.

And click "Read More" to check out the 30 second video statement that emerged out of our workshop:

If not YOU, then WHO?
If not NOW, then WHEN?
If not Earth, then WHERE?

What will YOU do?

Next stop for me is to the Cook Islands for the Climate Action Network meeting next week, where we are going to present a revised version of the declaration. Onwards for 350!