We’re getting more and more reports of amazing 10/10/10 Work Parties from around the world — like a massive bike fixing initiative in New Zealand & a solar install on a rural hospital in Zimbabwe.
We know it’s going to take a lot of work to make 10/10/10 a success, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that dancing & singing our hearts out is just as important to filling up our souls for what will ultimately be the great work ahead. And after all, this is a Global Work Party!
So without further ado, check out these great climate party photos from last year — and a taste of the many more wondrous parties we hope to see on October 10th! (10/10/10 is just two months away — Will you join today’s sign-up surge?)

Salem, Missouri, USA — 3,000 people at a Halloween concert festival learning about 350.
Berlin, Germany — from the brilliant Berlin Silent Climate Parade.

Over 15,000 children marched a rallied for 350 in streets of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Oct 24th 2009, which sounds like a helluva party.
Random act of dance at an Oslo, Norway Train station. (photo by: Steph Haas)

Penang, Malaysia — D’vol dance studio choreographed a dance especially for 350.org. They will be on a coutry wide tour performing 350 dances. Credit: Minfey and ChernChung
Wellington, New Zealand — Aaron Packard and the 350 Aotearoa pack beat on Taiko drums to enliven their community to action.

Timbauba, Brasil- Children celebrate action on climate change in Brasil, to raise awareness.

Sudbury, Canada — “We are celebrating the end of climate change denial and the beginning of climate action already in Sudbury Ontario Canada. we are dancing to jai ho and have been dancing for months.”

Tennessee, Knoxville, USA — “We had a 350 Rainforest Rave!”

Amazing! from Suva, Fiji.