Today we share an inspiring from one of our new partners, Green Empowerment, based in Portland, OR in the northwestern United States. Green Empowerment works with local groups in the Global South to implement sustainable development technologies. Read on for more about finding practical solutions to rural electrification and climate change high in the Peruvian Andes…
In northern Peru, families illuminate their houses using candles and kerosene lamps. These small flickers of light have often been
extinguished by the strong winds that blow through the area. Now, that same wind is being used to power 20 households in the community of Alumbre, using turbines installed by Green Empowerment and our
local partner, Soluciones Practicas-ITDG. Community members in Alumbre are the pioneers with this new technology, and their experiences with micro wind power will serve as a pilot project that can be replicated in the future. Newly developed wind turbines, locally produced in Peru, are sized to provide energy to one family home. The compact turbine size makes
installation easier in remote areas and eliminates the need for costly transmission lines associated with larger wind systems.
Soluciones Practicas-ITDG, the non-profit that is implementing the project,
and engineers from Ingeniera Sin Fronteras and the Universidad de Cataluña, are working on improving the design and precision manufacturing for use in future projects. Other isolated off-grid communities throughout the Cajamarca region of Peru are being identified as future recipients of wind power.
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Green Empowerment, a Portland, OR based 501(c)(3), partners with rural communities in the developing world to implement renewable energy and water systems in order to alleviate poverty and improve the environment.