投稿: Page 155

Grassroots Action in Visby, Sweden

Agera nu för 350 ppm!

Idag, fredag, under Fredrik Reinfeldts tal i Almedalen vecklade aktivister från Klimax och Planka.nu ut banderoller med budskapet “350 ppm”.

Stories from 20+ Years

I think I’ve heard Bill McKibben speak more times than I have fingers and toes at this point.

Gender, Climate Change, and Human Security

Our friends at WEDO (Women’s Environment and Development Organization) recently published a study entitled “Gender, Climate Change, and Human Security.” WEDO is doing very important work highlighti

Introducing the 350 Team: Will Bates

Over the next few days and weeks we’re going to provide a bit more of an introduction to who we are — the 350.org coordinating team.

G8: Garbage In, Garbage Out

The newspapers reported today that G-8 leaders had reached an agreement of sorts on cutting global warming emissions by half by mid-century.

Japan: A Growing Movement

Two of our organizing team just finished up a trip to Japan to help build the 350 movement in Asia – take a look at our report:

How I Spent My Fourth of July

True, I’m an American. But I spent the 4th of July in Beijing, talking over video to a big United Nations conference in Tokyo, about the most important number in the world.

Reflections on Sweden

For many, the high point of the Tallberg Forum might have been former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan playing the congas–and he did rock.

Taking it Slow in Japan

Feel like you’re always moving too fast? Next time your in Tokyo, take the chance to slow down at a unique cafe on the outskirts of the city.