Check out a guest post from our good friend Ted Glick, who is an October 24 organizer for Washington, DC. Ted and a group of other climate advocates just concluding a multi-day fast. See below for more info. 

We are people who have just concluded a 25-40 day Fast For Our Future calling for strong action by the U.S. government to address the climate crisis. We are now asking that others who appreciate the urgency of what we are facing to join with us to undertake a rolling fast over the next six-plus months up to and during the time of the important United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark December 6-18, 2009.

We are asking people all over the world to sign up to fast for one day, for several days, for a week, for one day a week or for however many days you would like to do so. You can sign up by going to Our hope is that each day, every day, at least one person somewhere in the world will be fasting as part of this initiative.

What would your participation in this international action mean? It would mean that you support the call for industrialized countries, those most responsible for the climate crisis, to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2020, a target that would give the world a decent chance of avoiding a looming climate catastrophe.

In addition, we support policies that provide for a just transition for workers and communities most affected by the shift away from fossil fuels; that creates millions of clean energy jobs and pathways out of poverty for those who have been locked out of the fossil fuel economy; that prevents deforestation and that coordinates with local communities to plant huge numbers of life-enhancing trees; that assists vulnerable communities and developing countries in the urgent transition to low-carbon economies; and that enables a shift from unsustainable agriculture to sustainable practices that support family farmers.

Mahatma Gandhi called fasting, “the sincerest form of prayer.” At this time of great danger for all of the life forms which inhabit the Earth, we need prayer, we need people to speak out and we need strong action which compels the world’s governments to take the necessary steps now towards a just and fair, renewable energy future.

We support the various calls for coordinated international action this fall leading up to and during Copenhagen, including by for October 24th, by climate justice groups for November 30th and the global day of action December 12th.

It is very clear that the governments of the world must hear from the people of the world that we want strong climate action right now. We ask you to join the rolling fast for our future as a way to keep building momentum, international connections and a strong grassroots movement leading up to Copenhagen.

Elliott Adams
Kathleen Breault
SKCM Curry
Ted Glick
Diane Lopez Hughes
Jere Locke
Cathy Luna-Desaulnier
Vincent Pawlowski
Diane Wilson