This morning my friend Jean in Begles, France, emailed a note saying that our Poland aerial art project was in Le Monde, a very well respected and influencial French newspaper.  Later today, Ely from our team here in Poland told us that he, and our aerial photo, were in the BBC!

Earlier this week, hundreds of people from around the world attending the UN climate conference in Poznan took an hour out of their day to demonstrate their commitment to the climate and stand (or lie down) in solidarity with those island nations most threatened.  They created a large aerial photo and sent it around to the press that same day.  Well, it looks like they heard us, and now so can everyone who reads Le Monde and BBC News.

Enjoy the articles and photo, and after you’ve read it, help us support the small island nations who are sticking their necks on the line to negotiate for the survival of their countries.  The longterm targets discussed in Poland this year by the rich countries will condemn these countries to the rising ocean.  With the photo and our actions in Poland this year, we’re trying to turn that tide.  Thanks for your help.