Now this, is what getting to work looks like…

Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Maldives, has been a long-time champion of the 350 movement. From holding an underwater cabinet meeting to draw attention to science of 350 ppm CO2 and the threat of sea-level rise to powerful speeches discussing the relationship between 350 and survival for the people and places most vulnerable ot the impacts of climate change, he has helped inspire this movement. But not only that, President Nasheed is helping lead his country towards a national commitment to be totally carbon neutral by 2020. And sure to be actively involved in that process himself, the President climbed on to the roof of his official residence, Muleeaage, this morning to complete the installation of a solar power system donated by our friends at Sungevity and to invite people around the world to take part in Sunday's Global Work Party.
Movement leadership, political leadership, practical leadership—we need all of these get back below 350 ppm CO2, and President Nasheed is an inspiration on each front. And in a sign that maybe, just maybe, such leadership is beginning to catch on elsewhere, Presient Barack Obama announced just this week to install solar on the White House as well.
Here's a video of the installation:
“The Maldives stands at the front line of climate change and we don't have the luxury of time to sit and wait for the rest of the world to act. We are getting to work to start the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy,” said the President.
And now the rest of us will be getting to work this Sunday for the 10/10/10 Global Work Party. We can't wait to see thousands more photos like these this weekend…

Photos: Mohamed Ali
Click here to read the full press release from the Maldives President's Office.