We've seen people power from Egypt to Wisconsin and now in Canada, where a brand new campaign is emerging called "Lead Now" with the tagline "People Powered Change".  Some of you may have heard that Canada's politicians have recently been named and shamed for their bad positions on climate change policy – well Lead Now is all about reclaiming Canada's future and holding politicians accountable.  Here's a bit from their founding mission:

Leadnow was founded in 2010 by a group of young people who care about a wide range of issues and wanted to create a new way for people to participate effectively in our democracy.

Our founding objectives are to deepen our democracy, strengthen our communities, advance social justice, extend economic opportunity and protect our planet. We'll build an independent community that works together to help set the political agenda, take effective action on important issues, and shift elections.

Sounds good to us!  We look forward to working with Lead Now in the coming months to mobilize Canadians around climate change and other issues.  If you're in Canada, join in now to help shape the direction of this exciting new campaign: http://leadnow.ca/en/declaration.  And now, for a silly video: