The President and people of Indonesia had a clear message for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to the country: it’s time for action on climate change.

According to Reuters,

[Clinton and President Yudhoyono] did not comment after the meeting, but a presidential spokesman said the talks included economic cooperation, Palestine and efforts to reach a new global agreement on climate change.

“The president underlined that a global consensus (on climate change) cannot be achieved without U.S. leadership,” presidential spokesman Dino Patti Djalal told a news conference.

A big thanks to all of our supporters in Indonesia who helped send a message to Clinton and Yudhoyono asking them to support a fair global climate deal that will get us back to 350.

It’s exciting to watch the 350 movement build around the world. 350 supporters across Asia are taking action around Clinton’s visits, sending the message that the only good foreign policy is a green foreign policy.

Next stop for Clinton is Korea. We’ll be there keeping up the pressure and reminding her that the world is ready for action.