All week, we've been closely monitoring the discussion about what form a US Senate climate bill will take. The latest news makes matters seem worse, not better. Hundreds of you called your senators to let them know we know exactly what they're deciding between: the interests of people, and the interestes of big polluters. Many of those calls resulted in statements of support; others received mixed answers depending on which staff member they spoke with.

Meanwhile, where is President Obama as the debate heats up? In a recent speech in Michigan, he made no mention of the climate bill, even though the speech was ostensibly intended to garner support for climate legislation. Then, more under wraps, he and a team of senators lobbied the Export-Import bank to reverse a decision and grant approval for a new coal plant in India.

This doesn't look like leadership to us. We hope you'll keep your calls to senators coming, and keep letting them know you'll be ready to meet them when they're home in August.