We all wear a lot of hats at 350, and one of my smaller hats, perhaps it’s a beret, is being the Materials Gal.  At it’s worst, this job involves shlepping boxes of 350 materials onto subways, through airports, or through hours of standing in line in Copenhagen to get into COP15.  My lovely teammates in Copenhagen told me later that they’d run the other direction if they saw me in the mornings because they knew I’d ask them to carry heavy boxes of 350 ties and stickers. Thanks guys!

The more fun part of the job is brainstorming new materials, writing the content, and working with our awesome designer Matthew to make them come to life.  Sometimes I even get to use my own shoddy graphic design skills fashioned from my one time cartography course at my university, but the results are significantly less beautiful.  So anyway, today I’d like to unveil our new 2010 presentation and presenter’s guide that we’ve been working on for a little while, and remind you all of the materials we have to help you educate people about climate change and organize your event for 10/10/10.  Here’s a quick rundown of what’s available:

***New!*** 2010 Presentation


You can also download a presenter’s guide for this presentation here, and the full Power Point file here.

Call up your local school, rotary club, university, chamber of commerce, church, mosque – anyone who will listen! – and see if they’d like an educational presentation about climate change.  Then you can recruit them to your 10/10/10 event 🙂

Posters, organizing guides, educational factsheets

Check out this page often – we update it frequently with new 350 materials.  If you’re an Adobe whiz and want to go to town with the graphics files, you can find many of them here.

Organizing wiki

We’ve recently opened up the 350 organizing wiki as a place to get our whole network active in sharing the important knowledge they know about CO2 reduction, campaigning, policy, etc.  Check out the 3 sections, and sign up to edit if you have suggestions:

To purchase 350 shirts, stickers, etc., check out our Cafe Press store – we don’t mark it up at all, promise. And as always, drop me a line if you have feedback or ideas for some 350 materials!