Fiath LogoThe Cathedral of St. John the Divine on New York City’s Upper West Side is the largest ecclesial space in the western hemisphere, a church so large you can barely see one end from the other. It’s long been an ecological outpost, sometimes called the Green Cathedral, and it lived up to its billing on Sunday night, with a wonderful program that helped launch the new Interfaith 350 call.

The Evensong liturgy included not only the Episcopal Bishop of New York, but also a rabbi, a Muslim cleric, and a Hindu singer—the chanting and music of all traditions filled the air, before a showing of the lovely new film Renewal, which documents the work of religious people on behalf of the environment.

Bill McKibben gave the keynote talk, describing 350 and October 24 as the best chance for people of faith around the world to come together—and after the film the evening ended with Fred Small singing his 350 anthem (link coming soon), as the young people from the Teva Jewish Learning Center danced amidst the ancient cathedral. From all accounts I have heard—a memorable night!