With over 40 climate actions Latvia really got to work on 10/10/10.
Over 3500 people all over Latvia have been involved in the day – from massive trash clean up actions in Riga to over 3000 trees that were planted. Participants collected signatures for a new PET recycling system and handed them over to the minister of environment. Over 30,000 fabric shopping bags were handed out to people in exchange for their non-reuseable plastic ones and many cycling actions happened all around the place.
So Latvian organizers and homo ecos – the organization that coordinated the day in Latvia – are taking a well deserved break now, but they already told us that they were so inspired by the day and the need to keep on working on implementing the right climate solutions that they will be soon back into organizing mode.
So in Latvia 10/10/10 has been just the starting point for a local climate movement – and we are already curious to see what they are up to next!

Riga, Latvia

Aizpute, Latvia

Riga, Latvia