I am just coming back from a press briefing with Ed Miliband, the UK state secretary for energy and environment, here at the Exel centre in London where the G 20 summit is happening today. Together with 50 other bloggers I am sitting as part of the G 20 Voice project in the media area of the Exel centre and try to follow the developments.

As far as climate politics are concerned – no surprises so far. Just some vague language on how just the fact that at such a mainly economic meeting low-carbon/green messages are mentioned is already quite significant. There is now a good chance that the G 20 states will come out this afternoon with an agreement to agree in Copenhagen. There was also some talk about three scheduled Major Emitters Meetings (the PC term is from now on Major Economies Meetings as obviously not all of them contributed to GHG emissions the same way) before the G 8 where further steps towards a Copenhagen agreement will be discussed.

It sounds good when the 20 richest economies and the very same time major emitters agree to come up with an Copenhagen agreement – but how can they ensure a fair agreement when the countries most threatend by negative impacts of climate change are not sitting on the same table?

After the press briefing G 20 Voice bloggers had a chance to have a quick meeting with Mr. Miliband where he called our 350.org campaign an optimistic campaign. Well it’s not a question of optimism I would guess but a question of scientific necessity! With even a quite progressive climate change minister like the UK one (the UK is the only country that signed on to legally binding national reduction targets) it looks like we still have a long way to go to convince our political leaders that to safe an inhabitable planet means going back to 350 ppm. So help us building the 350 movement by registering an action for our 350 action day on 24th October right away.