While part of the 350 team hand delivers the message to delegates in Barcelona at the last UN meetings before Copenhagen, 350 organizers are already beginning to make contact directly with their politicians at home, to make sure they feel the pressure from October 24th from all angles. Late last week, high school students in the Brazilian capitol of Brasilia created an aerial image of 350 outside the senate to deliver their message – read on for an account by Brasilian field coordinator Paula Collet, and for photos of the event:

The teenagers elected from British Council as climate ambassadors João Pedro Barbosa and Sofia Martins Carvalho, had organized a huge 350 at Brazilian National Congress. They had mobilized 200 schools students to be part of this, all of them were really excited and had their faces painted with 350.
The media has showed up to cover the event, and the kids talked with all of them saying the importance of an ambitious agreement at COP15, the Brazilian importance as a leader of the negotiations, and the importance of the youth mobilization to ensure their own future.
Senator Sarney Filho, that represents the environmental team, got out of the congress to receive the students, sign the petition, and talk about the importance of youth mobilization.
Then this week, on November 3rd, João Pedro and his group waited in front of the place that Brazilian government were meeting to discuss their position at COP 15. When it finished without any decision, João gave to environmental Minister, Carlos Minc, a letter to President Lula asking him to be a leader and fight for a future safe from climate change and 350ppm.

For a guide and sign-up form to engage with your politicans and delegates to Copenhagen visit: http://www.350.org/photodelivery