A quick report back from an organizer, Syaiful Rochman, in Bandung, Indonesia who hosted a bike and tree planting event on Sunday:
We start the registration from 06.10am and give the cool T-shirt endorsed by Greeners and Bureuteu, at exactly 07.10 different group goes to their selected park to plant 10 trees, a total of 100 trees planted with the help of bike community in Bandung City.
We Hope with this action, our town government can see the need to build more green spaces in Bandung City, This city used to be known as Flower City, Parisj Van Java, but the beauty is gone thanks to unsustainable development for the past 10 years.

…Cool story about Syaiful. At three in the morning the day before 10/10/10 I decdied to see if I could reach Syaiful by phone to make sure he was planning to take photos at his event and had everything he needed. We'd only emailed so I just wanted to touch base by phone. I caught him, we talked and confirmed the details on how to submit photos and right as I was about to hang up – he said, "By the way Heather – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My Birthday was two days before and he had seen it on skype. I hung up smiling and just thinking about the wonders of the internet and the possibility it holds for global organizing.