Here’s the e-mail that Phil just sent out to our supporters–for those of you who aren’t on our mailing list, you can sign-up in the upper right hand corner of the screen!
Ever notice that the media doesn’t write about how clean energy can fix our economy and our climate at the same time?
This week, we have a great chance to get that story out–and we need your help to do it.
Here’s the situation: on Monday, President Obama will host leaders from sixteen countries to discuss climate change in Washington D.C during the “Major Economies Forum.” and our allies will be catching the attention of the leaders and media with an eye-catching stunt outside of the forum.
Here’s where you come in: I want to tell the the media your stories of the green economy in your local community. If we can get the message out that a green economy is the crucial engine that can get the world out of a global recession, we’ll have a much better chance of mobilizing the planet to stop the climate crisis.
President Obama has convened this meeting to generate the political leadership necessary for a successful outcome at the Copenhagen climate talks this coming December. This renewed committment to the UN negotiations represents a significant step in the right direction for the United States. By the end of this year, we need a climate deal that is truly global, and that doesn’t simply represent the large economies of the world.
There is no time to waste: with world leaders gathered in Washington D.C, it is essential that they use their time wisely to create a serious plan to reduce global emissions. But right now, political leaders are working furiously to solve the economic crisis, often at the expense of ambitious climate action.
That’s why I’ll be in Washington, D.C. on Monday, outside the meeting, working with our allies to construct a visual symbol of the new global green economy. I’ll be donning my green hard hat and constructing a big physical wall, covered in the quotes you send my way. We’ll also be displaying the flags of countries who cannot be in the meeting, as a reminder that their voices matter.
It’s up to us to convince them that a global green stimulus will stop the economic crisis and the climate crisis at the same time. Send us your quote today
Many thanks,
Phil Aroneanu for the Global team
(Bill, Claire, Diana, Govind, Ely, Jamie, Jeremy, Jon, Judit, Kelly, May, Pablo, Soumar, Phil, Wael, and Will–phew, we’re growing! Check out our team page to learn a bit more about who we all are and what we do! –
P.S. Just in case you forgot, we’re organizing a BIG International Day of Climate action in October. It’s not too early to pre-register your event and get the ball rolling–learn more at