Day 3 of the Climate Action Network (CAN) Equity Meet 2008 started with the 90 seconds 350 animation that found much appreciation from many, including those who did not speak english. The 350 animation was also distributed to the delegates.
The power-packed day started with splitting the delegates into different groups; to address all aspects of climate equity; particularly effort-sharing for mitigation and adaptation, movement building, development & climate change, tech-tranfer etc. Amidst much debate and negotiations, each group presented its outcome in the form of bulleted points that needed to be urgently addressed. Further negotiations led to finalizing these points taking the meet to its next level. Eight breakaway groups were formed on issues identified by participants themselves.
However before these groups commenced work, an impromptu plenary session was held on ‘What can we learn from other movements.’ Two speakers, one non-CAN and one CAN, were invited to highlight relevant issues arising outside of the climate arena which also needed to be addressed if a fair deal was to be achieved in Copenhagen.
Stephen Kretzmann of OilChange International talked about the need to move from a focus based on strategic incrementalism to transformation and bold solutions. Meenakshi Raman of Friends of the Earth International stated that the climate movement should work closely with the global justice movement. She also emphasized the need to view through a climate justice lens all policies relating to trade and financial institutions.
The concluding Day 4 started with different groups presenting their findings and with discussions on the draft Mamallapuram Climate Equity declaration. The draft was met with intensive debating and clarifications and after almost an entire day of deliberations, the Mamallapuram Climate Equity declration was signed by all participanting delegates.
The declaration mainly called for an emission reduction target of well below two degrees and that the right to carbon-neutral sustainable development of all ‘peoples’ cannot be compromized.
Also Read: CAN-SA Calls For Less Than “two degrees”, Climate Equity Meet Underway