Just a few days ago, some great new action photos were registered on our website – marking the first 350 action in Chile! What country will be next to join the ranks?

The action was comprised of students from the Instituto Principe de Asturias school in Valdivia, and was organized by teachers and the students of the Club Chomelko-Chulli, which means snail in the indigenous Mapuche language. The Chomelko Chulli club seeks to cultivate the interest of youth and children through knowledge and education about how to care for nature, seeking to instill respect for all life on our planet. Its organized by the incredibly dedicated and energetic teacher Paola Vera Basly and funded by the government science education program Explora de CONICYT. The club has around 20 members ranging in age from kindergarden to the equivalent of 12th grade (cuarto medio).

Paola and a few other teachers designed the event and the kids recruited their friends and another elementary school club called “Huella Ecologica” (ecological footprint) to be in the photo. They want to organize more photos in the park and incorporate it into their other activities – thanks to the students of Instituto Principe de Asturias, and cheers to getting 350 started in Chile!