Some of the most inspiring stories of climate organizing come from the most unlikely places. I just received this message and photo from longtime ally and young climate leader Landry Ninteretse letting me know his plan of action leading up to the 10/10/10 Work Party:

Hey Phil,
Hope you are doing well. I am fine too here Kampala, everything is going well. We couldn’t meet last week for the preparatory meeting, most of my colleagues and partners were not available. So, today we met and shared what we should do for a successful preparation of Oct 10.
We have already conducted lectures in several secondary schools of Kampala as well as workshops for youth groups on climate change. ENVITA, the environmental education group I am working with, is helping to plan a youth conference and tree-planting for our work party. Here are our next steps towards Oct 10:
– Regular preparatory meetings/2 meetings per months
– Choose the theme of the conference
– Contact key government officials and partners-August
– Identification of facilitators for the conference-August
– Solicit resources for the conference-August & September
– Hold the conference on Oct 10 and 11
We expect to gather about 100 representatives of schools and youth groups and the conference will take place in Kampala.
I will keep you updated how preparations are going on.