Just days after speaking at the New York City Moving Planet rally in Dag , the Maldives Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Waheed, spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. His speech included the following statement on climate change and 350 ppm…
"Mr. President,
The Maldives has spared no effort in highlighting the growing threat from climate change. Our nation is just 1.5 metres above the sea. For us, climate change is no vague or abstract menace, but a clear and present danger to our very existence as a nation state.
In the past year, the world has experienced an increase in natural and man-made disasters that compel us to address the effects of climate change with more resolute urgency. It is increasingly becoming evident that the international community needs to be better prepared and equipped to address the challenges of disaster preparedness and response.
Cutting global carbon dioxide emissions, to a safer level below 350 parts per million, is not just an environmental issue. It is also an issue of national security. We do not view cutting carbon emissions as a burden but rather as an opportunity. An opportunity, not just to protect the climate, but also to create new jobs and grow our economies.
For these reasons, the Maldives is proud to announce that we will dedicate a minimum of 2% of our government revenues to renewable energy investments."
That is amidst the fact that the country is already aiming to be completely carbon neutral within a decade.

Maldives Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Waheed, inaugurating 350 events in 2009. Click here to read his full UNGA speech text.