The UNEP supported South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN) recently hosted a three day Indian National Youth Meet in Ahmedabad, India. The Meet, called to envision the next five year plan for SAYEN was inaugurated on the 2nd of October; the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the biggest proponent of peace, non-violence and sustainable development.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed”, or so declared the Mahatma decades ago. Today, long after he’s gone, we are realizing the significance of his statement. “Be the change you want to see in the world”, he already gave a message to all of us!

350 was introduced during the Meet to all the youth participating from different parts of the country and was a target setting experience for many.

The UNEP/SAYEN Meet saw participation of Indian youth from over 15 states and all four corners of the country. Participants came with local environmental problems and issues to discuss and were also keen to share and learn about global issues. The concern for global warming and climate change was felt by one and all at the Meet and the need to take action was emphasized time and again.

Climate Change was chosen to be one of the themes in SAYEN’s next five year plan.