Last Wednesday, more than 300 organizations in the United States spoke up to the U.S. Senate in favor of much stronger federal climate legislation, in line with the science of 350. We here at are proud participants in this effort. We sent a letter to U.S. Senators expressing “profound concern” about the House climate bill and asking senators to usher in “the transformational change and greenhouse emissions reductions required to avert catastrophic climate impacts.”

Our letter calls for legislation that:

  • Reduces atmospheric CO2 concentrations to a safe level of below 350 parts per million;
  • Maintains existing Clean Air Act protections against global warming pollution;
  • Minimizes the use of offsets and other loopholes;
  • Protects vulnerable populations and communities;
  • Promotes abundant clean energy;
  • Eliminates polluter giveaways; and
  • Adheres to preexisting U.S. commitments to the rest of the world.

Other organizations signing the letter include The Center for Biological Diversity, Center on Race Poverty and the Environment, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Corporate Ethics International, CREDO, Communities for a Better Environment, Franciscan Sisters of Mary, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Friends of the Earth, Global Exchange, Greenpeace, International Rivers, Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility United Church of Christ, Rainforest Action Network, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, and many others.
See the letter and full list of signers.