With nearly 10,000 photos in our Flickr photostream and more arriving by the minute, we’re scrambling to even look at them all–let alone read the descriptions. But what we’ve found time and again is that as incredible as the photos are, the messages attached are just as stunning. This one is from Veracruz, Mexico. Read the description below from the organizer:
"Today together, children, young people and the elders, all of them Totonacas, an ancient native tribe from the northern region of the State of Veracruz in Mexico, gathered to create a splendid 350. The message is clear: TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT! The chosen place is one of the most important archeological sites in Latin America, called "El Tajín." The "Voladores de Papantla" an ancient dancing ritual of the Totonacas, have just been recognized as Cultural Heritage of the Humankind by the United Nations. We all sang and danced to make it happen, to reach a better world for all!!! Greetings from Mexico, Víctor Alvarado"