One of my roles here at is keeping track of the media coverage our campaign is generating in the build-up to the 350 International Day of Climate Action. The big stories will come on October 24, when in thousands of places around the world we’ll stand together for 350 (and get some good news articles out of it, too). Actually, on that note, a quick reminder to all of our organizers out there to check out the media guide in our 350 Activist Handbook (pdf) and start thinking about how you can get coverage for your events.

But back to the topic at hand, the daily media hits, which are coming in more and more as October approaches. A few days ago, brought a great story from the Times of India on our organizing along the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi. And today, my Google News alerts turned up an article from Denmark (a country we think about a lot these days as the key Copenhagen climate conference in December approaches), about a church that is ringing its bells 350 times to raise awareness about our favorite number — check out other bell actions in our 350 Faith section.

Puzzling my way through the Danish text, the only really clear thing to me (I speak some Spanish and Portuguese, but that’s as far as it goes) was the number 350, popping up again and again. And it reminded me the tremendous value of having a clear, numerical target like ours: no matter what language you speak, no matter where you are, you can recognize 350 as a symbol for where the planet needs to go and the movement that’s going to take us there.

That movement is you, of course, so keep up the great work and start thinking about how you can help all of us make an impact in the media on October 24 with a creative and inspiring action.

As I think you say in Danish, "Hej hej!" or see you soon! 

Click here to check out the article.