350.orgは世界の多数のパートナーや支持者と連携しています。 パートナーになるための詳しい情報が必要であれば、当方のチームまでご連絡ください。 私たちのパートナーと支持者の全リストです(地域別):
- Action Aid
- Amnesty International
- Avaaz
- Bicycle Film Festival
- Buddhist Climate Project
- Carrotmob
- Christian Aid
- Circle Up Now
- Citizens Global Platform
- Climate Action Network
- Climate Justice Fast
- Climate Summit
- Cool It Schools
- COP Moving
- Craftster.org
- Cultural Survival
- Ekta Parishad
- Environmental Action Association
- FrontlineSMS
- Global Exchange
- Greenpeace
- I Am One In A Billion
- iMatter
- International Rivers
- International Society of Doctors for the Environment
- Jubilee South
- Oceana
- Oxfam
- Plant For The Planet
- Primamundi.com
- Taking It Global
- TckTckTck
- Techfest 2009
- The Green Passport Program
- The Natural Step
- The North Face
- Third World Network
- Tread Lightly
- Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
- Unite Now
- United Nations Foundation
- Water and Youth
- Wiser Earth
- Women’s Environment & Development Organization
- World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
- World Carfree Network
- World Council of Churches
- World Savvy
- World Team Now
- World Wide Moment
- World Wildlife Fund—Climate Witness
- 350 Barcelona
- Acción Verde Zaragoza
- Albea
- AlSol
- Arctic Queen
- Armenia Tree Project
- Association Bio-logique Attitude
- BICREF Malta
- BlueLink
- Cape Farewell
- Carpooling.com
- Christian Aid
- Civil Society Development Centre (CSDC)
- Climate and Health Council
- Climate Movement of Denmark
- Climate Stewards
- CO2 E-Race
- Copade
- Ecolúdic
- Ecología y Desarrollo
- Ecowiki
- Education Center for Youth
- Ekologia.pl
- Energie Verte Online
- Energy-Education-Governance-Schools
- Enough is Enough
- Fondation Nicholas Hulot
- Fundacja Nasza Ziemia
- Georgian Girls Running Club
- Global Warming Images
- Globalízate
- Green Graffiti
- Greensharing
- Holyrood 350
- Instituto Jane Goodall
- Italian Climate Network
- Jatrophabook
- Klima Allianz
- Klimataktion
- Kyoto2
- La Revue Durable
- Le Climat Entre Nos Mains
- Legambiente
- Madera Justa
- Messzel´tó
- NaturFreunde Deutschlands
- New Generation
- NGO “Helping Hand”
- One Hundred Months
- Otesha Project
- Positive News
- Scottish Action on Climate Change
- Sing for the Earth
- Socialist YouthFront Denmark (SUF)
- Tällberg Forum
- The Compensators*
- The Solution is Simple
- Verde por el Clima
- Wake-Up Call
- Welsh Youth Forum for Sustainable Development
- Young Friends of the Earth Europe
- 350 Dominicana
- 350 Peru
- AAA Bikers
- AGAPAN Associação Gaucha de Proteção ao Ambiente Natural
- Amatea
- Amazon Watch
- Ambato Joven
- Ambiente
- Amigos da Terra Brasil
- Amigos del Viento
- Aquecimento Global – I Care- Eu me Importo!
- Asociación Ecológica Vidas Verdes
- Asociación Panamá Más Verde
- ASPAN – Associação Pernambucana de Defesa da Natureza
- ASPOAN – Associação Potiguar Amigos da Natureza
- Associación de Scouts de México, A.C.
- BioTU
- Bici Critica El Salvador
- Brigada Ambientalista Cimarron Lemba
- Campaña Mesoamericana de Justicia Climática
- CanalClima.com
- Capitulo Honduras de la Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación
- Caribbean Youth Environment Network
- Censat Agua Viva – Colombia
- Centro Cultural Kuraf Werken
- Cerro Verde
- Ciclopolis
- CIMA ONG Ambiental
- Círculo Verde
- CO2 Acción
- Coletivo Jovem Pelo Meio Ambiente Olho D’água
- Costa Rica Neutral
- COTESA Costa Rica
- EcoGreens
- Envolverde
- Fundación Biosfera
- Fundación Gaiapacha
- Fundación Pachamama
- GEO Juvenil Ecuador
- GEO Júvenil México
- Greenpeace Brasil
- Grupo Ambientalista Sierra de Guadalupe A.C.
- Grupo Ecologico Jaureguiberry
- Haiti Survie
- Instituto Socioambiental ÓIKOS
- IPES Perú
- Jovenes Ambientalistas
- Juventud en Misión Unidos por el Agua
- La Vida en Bici
- Love In — Cuba
- Matilha Cultural
- Mesoamerica Climate Justice Network
- Movimiento Agua y Juventud México
- Movimiento Agua y Juventud Panama
- Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático
- Orgánicamente
- Organización Xtrem@s
- Organizacion Xtremas
- Presencia Ciudadana Mexicana
- Rainforest2Reef
- Reacción Climática
- Reciclemos Por Panamá
- Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge
- SeeClickFix
- Scouts de Bolivia
- Sierra Gorda
- Televisa Verde
- Via Organica
- Vitae Civilis
- Vitalis
- WWF Brasil
- WWF Paraguay
- 1000 Faces Coffee
- 3C Climate Change Coalition
- 77Zero
- A Rocha
- A Well Fed World
- Act OtherWISE
- Action Aid
- Adirondacks
- Agham Youth
- Alaska Wildlife League
- Alliance for Climate Education
- Alliance for Climate Protection
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority—National
- Americans for Energy Leadership
- Americans for Informed Democracy
- Americorps Service Week
- Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative
- Appalachian Sustainable Development
- Arborists
- ARC sustainability
- Architecture 2030
- Architecture for Humanity
- Artist as Citizen
- Association of Science-Tech Centers
- Augsburg College
- Backyard Gardens Community
- Bard College Center for Environmental Policy
- Bates College
- BC Sustainable Energy Association
- Better Future Project
- Beyond Talk
- Bianca Jagger
- Big Sunday
- Bioneers
- Blissmo
- Bloomfield College
- Blue Water Wind
- Boston Latin High School
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Breakthrough Institute
- Brighter Planet
- British Council
- Brolly Arts
- build ON
- CA Green Business Report
- CA League of Conservation Voters
- CA—no on 23
- California Center for Sustainable Energy
- California Student Sustainability Coaltion
- Campus Progress
- CAN–Canada
- Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- Canadian Youth Delegation
- Carbon Coach
- Carbon Nation
- Carbonfund.org
- Carbonrally.com
- CARE US—San Francisco
- Catagori
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Health and the Global Environment
- Center for Resource Solutions
- Chabot Science Center
- Changents
- Chewonki Foundation
- Citizen Engagement Lab
- Citizens Climate Lobby
- Clean Economy Development Network
- Clean Energy Works
- Clean Water Action
- Clean Wisconsin
- Clemson University Students for Environmental Action
- Clif Bar
- Climate Ark
- Climate Counts
- Climate Day
- Climate Group
- Climate Ride
- Climate Solutions
- Climbing for Water
- Clinton Global Initiative
- coalSwarm
- Cohos-Evamy
- College Democrats of America
- Columbia University Earth Institute
- Commonwealth challenge
- Community Environmental Council
- Council of Canadians
- Cousteau
- Cowichan Action on Climate Change
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Democracia USA
- Do Something.org
- Dutch Policy Maker
- Earth Action
- Earth Day Network
- Earth Hour
- Earth Rangers
- Earth Summit Canada
- EarthTeam
- Earthwatch
- Eco Equity
- End of Oil
- Energy Action Coalition
- Engineers for a Sustainable World
- Environment America
- Enviro Change Makers
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Expert
- Environmental Law and Policy Center
- Episcopal Church Environmental and Economic Affairs
- Faith in Action
- Focus the Nation
- Food Democracy Now
- Michael Pollan — Food writer/350 Messenger
- Friends of the Earth USA
- FUSE (Faiths United for Sustainable Energy)
- Garden Clubs of America
- German Marshall Fund
- Global Agents for Change
- Global Animal Partnership
- Global Recycling Network
- Global Warming Action Coalition
- Global Warming Education Network
- Go Green (book)
- Go Green Foundation
- GoLoco
- Good Magazine
- Goshen College
- Grand Aspirations
- Great Old Broads for Wilderness
- Green America
- Green Corps
- Green Empowerment
- Green for All
- Green Groove
- Green Jobs Now
- Green Laces
- Green my Parents
- Green Streets Initiative
- Green Towns
- Greening Forward
- Greenpeace Frontline
- Greenpeace USA
- Grist
- Gulf Restoration Network
- Habitat for Humanity
- Harvard Museum of Natural History
- Hawai’i Interfaith Power and Light
- Healthbridge Canada
- High Road for Human Rights
- Hip Hop Caucus
- Humane Society International
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Inland Sea Society
- Interfaith Moral Action on Climate
- Inst. for Respon. Technology (GMOs)
- Institute for Policy Studies
- Institute for Sustainability Education & Action
- Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change
- Interfaith Power and Light
- International Forum on Globalization
- International Rivers
- Islamic Society of North America
- Islands First
- It’s One Humanity
- Just Food
- Kids Love Mother Earth
- Kids vs. Global Warming
- Labor Network For Sustainablity
- Lead Now
- http://leadnow.ca/en/index
- LinkTV
- Live Earth
- Local Harvest
- Maine Audobon Society
- Makani Power
- Many Strong Voices
- Marion Institute
- Mass Powershift
- Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ
- Michigan Land Use Institute
- Middlebury College
- Millennium Art
- Mobilization for Climate Justice
- Moms Rising
- Monroe Community College
- Mountain Studies Institute
- MoveOn
- Muslim Green Team
- National Public Lands Day
- National Teach-In
- National Wildlife Federation NWF
- Nebraska LCV
- Neighborhood Natural Energy (N2E)
- Network of Spiritual Progressives
- New Global CItizens
- New Progressive Alliance
- New View Cohousing
- NewSeed advisors
- No Impact Project
- North Eastern Environment Youth Movement
- North Pole ’09
- Northland College, Wisconsin
- NY Interfaith power and light
- Ocean River Institute
- Oceana
- Orange County Interfaith Council for the Environment
- Otesha Project
- Oxfam Action Corps, San Francisco
- Oxfam America
- Paddle for the Planet, Minnesota
- Parent earth
- Partners for Livable Communities
- Pax Christi USA
- Peaceful Uprising
- PeaceJam
- People for Bikes
- Peoples Grocery
- Physicians for Social Responsibility PSR
- Physicians for Social Responsibility–Bay Area Chapter
- Planet Explore
- Planet Magazine
- Portfolio 21
- Portland Institute of Art
- Post Carbon Institute
- PowerUP Canada
- Presbyterian Church in SoCal
- Progressive Forum-Houston
- Project Possible
- Prospect Sierra School
- Public Citizen
- Rainforest Action Network
- Real Green Goods
- Religious Witness for the Earth
- Responsible Endowments Coalition
- Restoring Eden
- Ride for Renewables: 100% by 2020
- RideBuzz
- Rising Tide North America
- Route 2010: A Bike Odyssey
- San Jacinto College
- Secure Green Future
- SF Department of Environment
- Sierra Club
- Sierra Student Coalition
- Sierra Youth Coalition
- Sisters of Saint Joseph
- Slow Food
- Solar Day
- Solutions Journal
- South East Forest Rescue
- Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance
- Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
- Story of Stuff
- Student Conservation Association SCA
- Stuyvesant High School
- SuAsCo Watershed Community Council
- Sukyo Mahikari
- Surfrider SF
- Sustainable Jacksonville
- Sustainable Living Roadshow
- Sustainable Western North Carolina
- SustainUS
- Susty
- SWBR Architects
- Take Back your Time Day
- Taking Root Productions
- Texas Climate Emergency Campaign
- The Age of Stupid
- The Alliance for Biking and Walking
- The Alliance For Climate Education
- The Center for a New American Dream
- The Conference Board
- The League of American Bicyclists
- The Regeneration Project
- The Street Plans Collaborative
- The Urgency of Now
- The WILD Foundation
- Transfair
- Transition US
- True Majority
- U Penn
- UC Berkeley Renewable Energy
- UN Association
- Union of Concerned Citizens
- Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
- Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
- Univ of South Floria
- University of Colorado–Boulder
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
- University of Minnesota
- University of Oregon
- University of Wisconsin
- Urban Coast Institute
- US Climate Action Network
- US Green Building Council
- UUA Green Sanctuary
- Vegetarians of Alberta
- Virginia Cool Cites
- Waterkeeper
- We Comply
- WEDO–US branch
- WEND Magazine
- West Coast Climate Equity
- What’s My CO2 Widget
- Wheaton College
- Wilderness Classroom
- Will Steger Foundation
- World Team Now
- World View of Global Warming
- World Vision
- WV Environmental Council
- Yes Men/Beyond Talk
- Yes! Magazine
- CAN Pacific
- “CELCOR (The Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights)”
- Coal Action Network Aotearoa
- Cycle Action Network
- Eden Foundation
- Frocks on Bikes
- GetUp!
- Oxfam NZ
- Pacific Conference of Churches
- Pacific Youth Council
- Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
- South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
- Sustainability Trust
- Astha
- Bangladesh Youth Movement for Climate
- Center for Social Markets
- Citizens Global Platform
- Eco Friends Nepal
- Focus Odisha Forum on Climate Change.
- Green Commandos
- GreenCitizens.net
- Greenpeace India
- HumanityWatch
- Indian Youth Climate Network
- INTACH Hazaribagh Chapter
- Integrated Effort for Development
- Island Trust
- Karanpura Campaign
- Key faith groups in India (Arya Samaj and the Brahma Kumaris)
- Key universities and schools in India
- Kids for Tigers
- Konkan Bachao Samiti, Janahit Seva Samiti, Madban
- Mata Amritapuri in India (Ayudh-youth wing)
- National alliance for peoples movements (NAPM, India)
- Nature Human centric people’s movement
- Navadanya
- Nepal Development Foundation
- Nepalese Youth for Climate Action
- Sanctuary Asia
- The Climate Project India