“Out with the Old, In with the New”
WHAT: The Ventura County Climate Hub invites the public to hear leaders of two partner organizations working on ‘Out with the Old, In with the New’ energy economy.
Citizens for Responsible Oil and Gas (CFROG) will talk about their campaign to oppose permits for new oil wells in Oxnard. They are recruiting volunteers to do canvasing in the affected neighborhood and collect signatures for a petition to the county.
Craig Whan and Robert Perry of the World Business Academy will return to present the latest know-how for transition away from fossil fuels towards clean energy.
WHO: Ventura County Climate Hub is a grassroots, non-partisan local affiliate of 350. org with 26 local partner organizations and hundreds of people engaged in the full spectrum of ways to reverse climate change. Partner organizations like CFROG and World Business Academy report on their actions and campaigns at monthly meetings and in other events and media.
Special guests Robert Perry and Craig Whan do energy research to get rid of California’s nuclear power plants, stand up for ratepayers interests at CA Public Utilities Commission, and champion a plan for 100% renewable energy in CA. Robert directs the Safe Energy Project including current and emerging energy generation, transmission and distribution, microgrid and storage systems that can integrate for maximum efficiency. Craig has a focus on helping Ventura County and its cities shape the new Central Coast Power utility to maximize renewable and distributed and integrated energy systems. This knowledge will help us fight the Puente Power Plant and win community support for the new Central Coast Power program.
WHEN: Thursday, May 11. Doors open 6:30 for connecting with friends. Meeting at 7:00 to 8:45 p.m.
WHERE: Unitarian-Universalist Church of Ventura, 5654 Ralston St, Ventura, 93003, rear parking lot to Fellowship Hall.
WHY: The days of dirty energy will be shortened by every effort we make to stop fossil fuel extraction. The good news is that clean energy technology is here—the know-how and resources just need to be mobilized to create a thriving economy with safe energy. The only thing missing is the will to change government policies that support the fossil fuel paradigm. There are currently opportunities in Ventura County to pull together on actions that help reverse climate change by opposing new drilling permits, opposing a new gas-fired power plant at Mandalay Beach, and amplifying popular demand for development of renewable energy and distributed generation.
CFROG: Tomas Rebecchi 619-252-6899, email tomasrebecchi at gmail.com
WORLD BUSINESS ACADEMY: Craig Whan, 805-892-4600, email craig at worldbusiness.org