Robert Perry of World Business Academy came to our last meeting about Puente Power Plant. In the Q&A he crowned our meeting with the following quote. This is just one reason why we asked them to come back and share more about how we can play a part in this vision from SoCal Edison in a recent policy statement [Source: 2018 General Rate Case – Policy Section (9/1/16)]
Our electric power industry is fundamentally transforming. Over the last two decades, California policymakers have articulated an ambitious goal to significantly decarbonize electricity. California electricity customers are focusing more on energy efficiency, environmental impacts, and affordability.
Technologies like rooftop solar, battery storage, and inverters continue to become more efficient and affordable, enabling another fundamental shift from centralized generation to distributed generation. Electric vehicles and digital devices continue to proliferate, increasing electricity demand.
Advancements in technology, along with changing customer behaviors about clean energy and being able to choose and control their energy use, are together creating an unprecedented new era in how electricity is generated, delivered, and used.