What’s it like for a nonprofit organization in Rhode Island to go solar? The Steel Yard and Farm Fresh RI, two Providence-based nonprofits with statewide impact, have installed solar arrays on their facilities in recent years.

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 7 pm, everyone is welcome to join Climate Action Rhode Island’s virtual community meeting as Howie Sneider, executive director of the Steel Yard, and Jesse Rye, co-executive director of Farm Fresh RI, discuss how their organizations made the decision to go solar and what experiences they’ve had thus far.

CARI’s community meetings in 2022 will take place on Zoom on the first non-holiday Wednesday of each month. These meetings are open to all! Join to learn what’s happening in Rhode Island, get involved with one of our campaigns, plan an event or demonstration, or just share space with folks who are as upset about the climate crisis as yourself. Bring your energy, your ideas, your worries, your skills, and your friends.

May 4, 2022 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Click here to register to attend!
