We’re coming up on one of the busiest times of the year as we move closer to spring!
GREAT news!! Rep. Pricey Harrison signed onto the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge last night! Yeah! Photo attached. If you’re on social media, please share and retweet to help spread the word! THANKS!! With Pricey’s encouragement, Rep. John Autry joined Pricey today with signing the pledge!! Who will be next?
“I pledge to not take contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industry and instead prioritize the health of our families, climate, and democracy over fossil fuel industry profits.”
More great news yesterday about the youth climate case from Oregon that will move to trial later this year! Waiting to hear how it went yesterday at the EMC meeting with our 3 local NC youth’s petition. 


****If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget today, March 9th, is the last day to make comments on offshore drilling!!! Submit comments to BOEM online at: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=BOEM-2017-0074 Write from your heart or use these tips for comments here.

++++Please continue contacting Governor Cooper telling him you do NOT want the ACP. (919) 814-2000 or [email protected]

Write Op-eds or Letter to the Editors, too!
Check out this radio ad Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League is running.
And the series of videos they have created. Please share to spread the word!! http://www.nopipeline.net
March 9 & 10 – Fayetteville, Join Sustainable Sandhillls as they host their 4th annual Clean Energy Summit. More info and registration here.
Betsey Downing hosts Climate Destabilization gatherings on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month at the Oasis Cafe in Carrboro from 6:30-8:30 pm. The next one on Sunday, March 11th, will feature the documentary Limits to Growth  More info here! 
March 12,  Our Native Bees, 7 pm, Quail Ridge Books, North Hills, 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road, Raleigh
Our Native Bees: North America’s Endangered Pollinators and the Fight to Save Them is the result of Paige Embry’s yearlong quest to learn more about these forgotten, yet fundamental, creatures. This Duke alumnus explores how crucial this endangered species is to our gardening and agricultural ecosystems. http://www.quailridgebooks.com/event/nativebees
The Eco-Institute in Chapel Hill has some great upcoming classes and events to choose from, including Spring Garden Co-Op, community song circles, day long mini retreats, bird walk, and farm to table dinner series. More info here
The Big Picture: Global Warming, the Anthropocene, and Ecological Civilization

Dr. Herman F. Greene will lead a four-session course at UNC-CH’s Friday Center for Continuing Education from 10:00 am to noon on each Thursday, March 15, 22, 29, and April 5, on the meaning of the Anthropocene and the challenge and promise of Ecological Civilization. Registration here. 

March 20,  Capital Area Food Network Community Gathering, 5:30-7pm, 
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, 1924 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh
March 20, The Last Crop: Movie Showing & Discussion Panel 7:00-8:30pm
Hunt Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh
An intimate exploration into the lives of small family farmers Jeff and Annie Main of California’s Central Valley. Inextricably woven within these organic pioneers’ story is their ten-year pursuit to ensure that a farm need not be imperiled at the end of every generation. FREE – But tickets required to secure your seat!
March 22, Robeson RisesFilm Premiere and Panel Discussion, 6 pm, Carolina Civic Center Theater, 315 N Chestnut St, Lumberton, NC

As a proposed pipeline threatens to disrupt communities and ecosystems across North Carolina, a group of diverse activists rises up to challenge construction. The new film Robeson Rises documents their journey.http://robesonrises.com/

March 24-25, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Southeast Regional Conference, The Collider Suite 401, 1 Haywood St., Asheville, NC More info here! 
March 24, March for Our Lives Raleigh, 10 am, March begins in front of Memorial Auditorium and goes to Halifax Mall, where the rally takes place, 16 W. Jones Street,  https://www.facebook.com/events/346392499194903/?ti=icl
March 24, March for our Lives Durham, CCB Plaza in front of the Bull, 12-2 pm https://www.facebook.com/events/1647349435341958/
Burned: Are Trees the New Coal? Takes a hard look at the latest false solution to climate change: woody biomass. The film tells the story of how biomass companies, like Enviva, have hidden behind green labels and become the alternative-energy savior for the power-generation industry.
There will be several showings the next couple months. Waiting for location confirmation for possible March 21 and 29 showings.
April 6, 6:30-8:30 pm, Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF), 4907 Garrett Road, Durham
April 12, Justice First Tour, kickoffs in Raleigh at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh.
April 14, Raleigh March for Science, 10 am – 1 pm, Halifax Mall, 16 W Jones Street
Saturday, September 8th will be a global day of action, leading up to the Global Climate Summit in San Francisco the following week!