Join us Saturday, February 4th, 2017 for Climate Change Solutions for NC in downtown Raleigh to learn about solutions to climate change and actions we can take in NC! The conference will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd, across from the Old State Capital, at 121 Hillsborough Street, in Shepherd Hall, 10 am to 5 pm. We’ll have presentations on environmental, social, and racial justice; climate change; resilient agriculture; climate solutions; and more.
Speakers are: Bill McKibben (recorded video for our conference from him), Rev. Gerald Durley (Climate Change/Environmental Justice as the Civil/Human Rights Issues of our Time), Dr. Robert George (Climate Change Consequences to Oceans and Solutions), Donald Addu (Citizens Climate Lobby), Laura Lengnick (Resilient Agriculture and Cultivating Resilience), Mark Jacobson by Skype (Climate Solutions), Rev. Rodney Sadler (Renewable Energy as a Theological/Moral Concern), Emery Kiefer (NCSU Renewables Campaign), John Runkle (Legal and Policy Obstacles for Clean Energy), and Dr. Lise Van Susteren and Laura Wenzel (Climate Change Health Impacts and Solutions).
We’ll have actions people can take. One focus will be encouraging people to get their cities and counties to sign onto the Climate Solutions resolution, like the town of Boone, NC did last month. We’ll also encourage people to join the NC Atlantic Coast Pipeline walk in March and the People’s Climate Movement in DC on April 29th.