12:30-2:30 pm, Durham Central Park, 501 Foster Street, Durham
Millions of people will be striking nationwide to demand a Green New Deal, the last chance for our generation to have a livable future. This strike is youth-led, but all are welcome. Young people make up the largest voting bloc in American history, and it’s time our politicians listen to us. Strike with us to show the people have the power, not the fossil fuel billionaires. We’ll meet at Durham Central Park, have some speakers, and then begin our march through Durham. RSVP here, bring a friend, and help spread the word!
December 2, Art Build for 12/6 Strike for a Green New Deal
6-8 pm, The Scrap Exchange, 2050 Chapel Hill Road, Durham
Join us for an evening of art, building signs, and banners for the December 6 Strike for a Green New Deal. If you don’t have any art skills, come anyway! More info.
Dec 6, Chapel Hill Climate Strike
9:30-11 am, Peace and Justice Plaza, 179 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill
To register for these or other strikes taking place across NC and the U.S., go to strikewithus.organd type in your zip code to find actions.
Not content to take its chances in court, Duke and Dominion are pushing Congress to change the law that prohibits pipeline crossings of the Appalachian Trail on national forest land. Please contact your members of Congress and Senators to oppose any such legislation! NoACP!
6:30-8:30 pm, Pittsboro Roadhouse, 39 West St., Pittsboro
Pecha Kucha is a storytelling event that brings our community together to present and discuss ideas in culture, food, health, environment and more More information here.
December 9, Bringing People Power to the Utilities Commission
7 pm, Energy Justice NC online webinar
Join us for our third webinar about Duke Energy and why they keep raising our rates! There will be hearings on these rate cases starting in January. We need to plan how to bring our power to the Utilities Commission and tell Duke no rate-hikes for dirty energy! Find out more about the rate-making process and what we can do to protect our electric bills, our environment, and our communities. RSVP to the webinar here to learn more about how we can take back the power from Duke Energy and put it where it belongs: in the hands of the customers! #EndtheDukeMonopoly
Every Friday morning from 8-10 am, join Gary Richards and others for a protest to bring attention to the need to close down the coal burning plant on the campus of UNC-CH. Meet in front of the power plant at 501 W. Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill. For more information, contact Gary at [email protected].
Climate Destabilization gatherings on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month at the Oasis Cafe in Carrboro, 6:30-8:30 pm. Carr Mill Mall, 200 N. Greensboro Street. More info here.
Tuesdays with Tillis, join the awesome group of activists and speakers every Tuesday in Raleigh as different topics and actions are discussed, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Federal Building, 310 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh. Follow their Facebook and Twitter page for updates. December 10th will be the 150th consecutive week of protest when their topic will be “Changing the moral narrative about poverty.”
December 14th, Green and Meaningful Resolutions for a New Decade
10:30 am, Chapel Hill Library, 100 Library Dr., Chapel Hill
Linda Wendling will help us create environmentally impactful resolutions to change ourselves and the world. Linda earned her advanced degree in Environmental Law with a Certificate in Climate Change and is dedicated to providing information and resources to use in the practice of “Everyday Environmentalism.” “Now that you’re here, the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Save these dates in 2020!
January 18, Woman’s March
February 8, 14th Annual Moral March on Raleigh & HKonJ People’s Assembly, downtown Raleigh
April 22, Earthrise 2020, A global mobilization for climate action on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
June 20, Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington at the National Mall Check out the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival’s website on December 4th for the digital launch of the mobilization!
Peace and love for our beautiful Earth, Karen