We are in a CLIMATE EMERGENCY! Thankfully momentum is growing in the past couple weeks with a huge push urging Biden to declare a climate emergency. Just this morning 165 staffers at federal health and environmental agencies and at more than 80 congressional offices released an open letter calling on President Biden to declare a Climate Emergency. Details here. Later this morning 17 Congressional staffers staged a sit-in at Sen. Schumer’s office. Story here.
– Hi, my name is ____, and I’m from ____. I’m calling with the #PeoplevsFossilFuels coalition. With climate disasters mounting and Congress at a standstill, we’re counting on Biden to declare a climate emergency NOW and stop approving fossil fuel leases, exports & projects.
With this latest and likely final Congressional setback, NOW IS THE MOMENT to push hard for Biden to use his full executive authority to take on the climate crisis.
>>> RSVP HERE <<< to join us to find out what you can do to make sure Biden takes bold action to protect communities from the climate emergency, keep fossil fuels in the ground, and speed a just transition to renewables.
Carbon Plan Public Hearings
July 29, Virtual Film Screening: Invisible Hand
To listen via Webex:
Meeting number: 2424 208 8665
Password: NCDEQ
Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003
Access code: 242 420 88665