In case you haven’t heard, WE WON!! The Atlantic Coast Pipeline was CANCELLED on July 5th!
A few of my favorite articles of the news:
Lisa Sorg’s The death of a pipeline.
Democracy Now! program featuring Donna Chavis!
This joint statement by Rev. Barber and Al Gore is great how they make the connections.
Still sooooo much work to do!
Tell the Fed: Invest in people, not polluters!
We can’t afford to let the Federal Reserve use our public dollars to give massive handouts to failing fossil fuel companies — especially when so many small businesses, families, and communities are struggling to survive. Money should be going directly to workers, families, and the tens of millions of people who are on the frontlines — not fossil fuel industry CEOs. Sign here to tell the federal reserve to put people before polluters!
For those on Twitter, join the Just Recovery campaign July 16-18 to spread the word.
Trillions of dollars are on the table this week as the world’s 20 wealthiest nations meet as part of the G20, to discuss how to spend COVID-19 recovery money. Decisions made by the G20 finance ministers when they meet on Saturday could influence our world for decades to come. So now is the time to have your say: tweet at your finance minister and share what a truly #JustRecovery looks like and why we need it. More information, sample tweets and add your voice here!
Face the Climate Emergency!
Support this letter with demands to global leaders signed by thousands of activists, scientists, representatives of civil society and more, demanding our leaders to take steps that are essential to our chance of avoiding a climate and ecological disaster.
The first step listed: “Effective immediately, halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.” Read the letter and sign here.
While the Tuesday morning weekly Tuesday with Tillis rallies aren’t meeting in person in Raleigh right now, I can highly recommend joining us on the weekly Zoom calls from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Email Karen Ziegler to get on her awesome tiny newsletter list that will have the Zoom link for each week. This past week was week #181!
Friday morning weekly protests at the UNC-CH co-generation plant have begun again from 8- 10 am in front of the UNC-CH coal burning facility, at the corner of W. Cameron Ave. and S. Graham St. Bring your face mask and plan to social distance. For more information, contact Gary Richards.
July 18, Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown
10am -12 pm, online
The RTP Pachamama Alliance is hosting an overview of Drawdown solutions. Join us for a presentation on what Drawdown is and how we can use it to accelerate the Triangle’s trek to green. More information and register here.
July 20, Strike for Black Lives
Guest speakers include:
12 pm, McDonalds, 102 W. Morgan Street, Durham
You can join in many ways whether you can strike, attend an event, or stand in solidarity digitally!
Workers and allies across the country are preparing to Strike for Black Lives on July 20th, with a national day of walkouts and worker actions to demand racial and economic justice, including in the workplace. This national day of action, one month ahead of the Democratic National Convention, will declare that Black Lives Matter and illustrate the ways our fights for racial, economic, healthcare, immigration, climate, and other justice fights are interconnected. Join to stand with Raise Up/Fight For $15 and SEIU workers striking for Black lives!
We Demand:
1. Justice for Black communities
2. Elected officials and candidates at every level use their authority to rewrite and reimagine the rules so that Black people can thrive
3. Corporations take immediate action to dismantle racism, white supremacy, and economic exploitation wherever it exists, including in our workplaces.
4. Every worker has the opportunity to form a union, no matter where they work
1. Justice for Black communities
2. Elected officials and candidates at every level use their authority to rewrite and reimagine the rules so that Black people can thrive
3. Corporations take immediate action to dismantle racism, white supremacy, and economic exploitation wherever it exists, including in our workplaces.
4. Every worker has the opportunity to form a union, no matter where they work
More information at Strike for Black Lives.
July 21, NoShutoffs Action Call
8 pm, online
Join the #NoShutoffs Coalition for an urgent activist call to learn about what YOU can do to ensure we win big on utility justice, and pass a nationwide moratorium on water, power, and broadband shutoffs in the next coronavirus relief bill so that no family is left behind. Congress must ensure #NoShutOffs of our power, water, and broadband in COVID and beyond. RSVP here.
July 22, Fundamentally Transforming Police and Fundamentally Transforming Our Energy System: How Do We Get Both?
3 pm, Climate Reality Check’s monthly program
What are the links between historic police racism and violence and fossil fuel industry power? What should the climate movement be doing in this historic moment to make the issue of white supremacy central to our ongoing work going forward? This is an inter-generational panel that draws on these issues, and we are honored to host three Black leaders in this space: Dr. Mildred McClain with Harambee House/Citizens For Environmental Justice, Chandra Farley with Partnership for Southern Equity, and Tianna Arredondo with RSVP here for the call.
July 23, On the Front Lines: Black Lives Matter and Climate Justice
7 pm, online
Join the Alliance for Climate Education as they host a panel to discuss the intersections of the Black Lives Matter and climate justice movements. The panel will feature several organizers who work on policing issues as well as environmental racism and climate justice. RSVP here.
Guest speakers include:
• Dany Sigwalt – Co-Executive Director, Power Shift Network
• Kaylah Brathwaite – Director of Operations, This is Zero Hour
• Anthony Karefa Rogers-Wright – GND Policy Lead; Climate Justice Alliance
• K Agbebiyi – Survived & Punished, NY Chapter; Free Them All 4 Public Health; Co-Creator 8 to Abolition
• Vic Barrett – Democracy Organizer, Alliance for Climate Education (Moderator)
July 25, Indigenous Led -SAY NO – Mountain Valley Pipeline in VA Say NO TO Southgate Ex
10 am – 12 pm, online
Join us as we celebrate the DEATH of the ACP. While the irons are hot we need to focus on the MVP!!
The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is a 303 mile pipeline being constructed to carry fracked gas from West Virginia into Virginia. MVP is working to get approval for an extension of that pipeline that will take it an additional 70 miles from southern Virginia into central North Carolina. The addition, the MVP Southgate project, will cut through Rockingham and Alamance counties, ending at a point just south and east of Graham, below 1-85-40. More information here on the livestream.
The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is a 303 mile pipeline being constructed to carry fracked gas from West Virginia into Virginia. MVP is working to get approval for an extension of that pipeline that will take it an additional 70 miles from southern Virginia into central North Carolina. The addition, the MVP Southgate project, will cut through Rockingham and Alamance counties, ending at a point just south and east of Graham, below 1-85-40. More information here on the livestream.
July 25, North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign State Open House
11 am-12:30 pm, online
After the successful Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington Digital Justice Gathering on June 20th, it’s time for the next step in the work to continue to demand an end to systemic racism, poverty, militarism and the war economy, ecological devastation, and the corrupt moral narrative of religious nationalism.
You are invited to attend an Open House where we will get connected, learn more about the Campaign, and discuss our next steps to demand Justice Jubilee in our state! RSVP here to attend. If you missed the gathering on June 20 or you want to watch again, here’s that link.
**Share the Poor People’s Campaign Jubilee Platform with your legislative members and ask them to support!
July 27, No Warming, No War: Connecting Militarism with the Climate Crisis
8-9:30 pm, online
Join The Leap and other partners connecting the dots between climate and militarization. From militarism to extractivism, from climate migration to border militarization, our panelists from the US, Mexico, and the Philippines will uncover the deep global links between militarism and climate change before exploring the existing paths, current limitations, and future possibilities of global cooperation on climate. More information and RSVP here.
July 29, Who Speaks for the Trees?”: How Forests that Store Carbon Can Help Save the Planet
6 pm, online
Over the past four decades, forests have moderated climate change by absorbing about one-quarter of the carbon emitted by human activities. Forests are a vital part of the carbon cycle, storing and releasing this element in a dynamic process of growth, decay, disturbance and renewal. Learn what forest management strategies are most successful in solving the climate crisis with speakers Dr. William Moomaw and Dr. Sam Davis. Registration and more info here.
August 6, Environmental Justice in the Age of Climate Change and Pandemic
6:30-7:45 pm, online
Join Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and others for this talk by Dr. Ryan Emanuel, an Associate Professor and Faculty Scholar at NC State’s College of Natural Resources and a member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. Ryan was recently awarded a prestigious residential fellowship from the National Humanities Center and is the 2019 recipient of the NC Environmental Justice Network’s Steve Wing International Environmental Justice Award. Ryan has studied climate change impacts in Indigenous communities and has worked with communities most at risk from the effects of climate change. Registration here.
Thanks for reading and taking action! Share with others!