The IPCC report was released this week. It confirms what we already know: the Earth’s climate is getting worse faster than predicted and our window to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C is closing. But, there is still time and things we can do working in community together. Remember to take care of yourselves, rest, spend time in nature, and do things that bring you joy as we do the work moving forward.
Bill McKibben tweet: “The #IPCC is best understood as a lighthouse trying to pierce the smokescreen thrown up by the fossil fuel industry.
For a day the light shines through; the job of movements is to extend that day.”
Jamie Henn tweet: “Never forget that we had all the scientific evidence we needed to act on global warming over 40 years ago, but the fossil fuel industry spent millions to spread disinformation and block climate action. Global warming isn’t a tragedy, it’s a crime.”
If you want to learn more about the IPCC report, get angry and hopeful, join next Wednesday (August 18) at 9 am GM (5 am ET!) for an Instagram live with scientists, experts, and allies to break down this report and figure out what’s next. (I predict this will be recorded to watch later!)
Kate Aronoff, Playing Nice With the Fossil Fuel Industry Is Climate Denial.
In less than three months, countries will meet for #COP26. They need to hear that a climate plan that doesn’t include phasing out fossil fuels is NOT a real climate plan. “Net zero” pledges are not going to get the job done. We need REAL ZERO.
Aug. 13-15, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 34th Triennial Congress: “WOMEN, POWER, and SOCIAL JUSTICE”
Building from Strength is the theme this year. Speakers include Rev. Theoharris, Maude Barlow, Vandana Shiva, and NC leaders Donna Chavis, Emily Keel, and Naeema Muhammad. Learn more and register here.
August 19, Envisioning the the world we want to live in: Rally for Climate Justice
12:30 pm, Charlotte
August 2021 will mark the eighth month of a Democratic Congress and White House … without meaningful climate legislation. As the window of political opportunity grows smaller each week, it’s time to turn up the heat. We are calling for Democrats to keep their promise and Congress to fight for climate justice, care jobs, and an infrastructure bill that works for all of us. This means investing in renewable energy, the care economy, public transit and buildings, and the Civilian Climate corps. This means protecting BIPOC communities by vetoing HB951 and bills that look like it. RSVP here for more information.
12:30 pm, Charlotte
August 2021 will mark the eighth month of a Democratic Congress and White House … without meaningful climate legislation. As the window of political opportunity grows smaller each week, it’s time to turn up the heat. We are calling for Democrats to keep their promise and Congress to fight for climate justice, care jobs, and an infrastructure bill that works for all of us. This means investing in renewable energy, the care economy, public transit and buildings, and the Civilian Climate corps. This means protecting BIPOC communities by vetoing HB951 and bills that look like it. RSVP here for more information.
August 21, For Goodness Sake: Music for the Nonviolent Future
2 pm, online
An online music festival featuring artists and brief presentations on the power of nonviolent change. Yo-Yo Ma, Rev. Yearwood, and Rev.Theoharris are some of the featured speakers and musicians. Register here.
August 21, Fundraiser to Support Line 3 Pipeline Resistance
12-7 pm, 1203 Watts Street, Durham
Beiju De Tapioca (Brasilian Crepes) & Art for Sale. Local activists Lucus and Isa are organizing this fundraiser where the proceeds from food sales will go directly to the Giniw Collective. Let them know if you can attend here.
Aug. 23, Environmental Justice & Equity Advisory Board Meeting
3-5 pm, the public is invited to either attend in person at the Archdale Ground Floor Hearing Room in Raleigh, or listen to the meeting online or by phone. To sign up to provide comments, email [email protected] by 2 pm on August 23. Public comments take place 5-6 pm. So far no agenda is listed. Click here for more information on the board and members.
To attend via WebEx use this link
Meeting number: 161 550 3309
Event password: NCDEQ
Phone: +1-415-655-0003 US TOLL Access code: 161 550 3309
August 27- 28. NO MVP/NO MVP Southgate Bundle of Arrows Gathering
Location: Northern North Carolina
We cannot stand by and watch a fossil fuel corporation, and politicians line their pockets as so much is destroyed, producing fracked gas we don’t need. An indigenous-led convergence of all two leggeds resisting the Mountain Valley Pipeline, MVP Southgate, and the proposed Lambert Compressor Station.
– Friday, Aug 27th, 11 am – 7 pm. Workshops and trainings for indigenous leaders and environmental activists. Offerings will include: Free Prior Informed Consent Workshop, Health Effects of Fracking, How to Lobby and Rights of Nature. Schedule to follow registration.
– Saturday, August 28th, 1- 5:00 pm. We will gather near Burlington, NC for a COVID-safe rally, art share, and concert (Outdoors, Masks & Vaccinations Required = Our Childen’s Safety). Register and stay tuned for more information. Musical guests so far: Alexis Raeana & Charly Lowry, Høly River, Jason Crazy Bear Campos-Keck, and Joshua Vana. More to come.
Register here: Check out this awesome Invitation video. Details and directions will follow registration. Let us join our power and voices to say that this is the season that MVP, MVP Southgate and Lambert Compressor Station end!
August 27th- October 3rd, Unfolding Seeds: Invocations of Transformation
Paperhand Puppet Intervention’s 21st outdoor show is rooted in gratitude, wonder, and thanksgiving. We are summoning our collective spirit to invoke care for the Earth, for its creatures, and for its future. More information and purchase tickets in advance here.
Paperhand Puppet Intervention’s 21st outdoor show is rooted in gratitude, wonder, and thanksgiving. We are summoning our collective spirit to invoke care for the Earth, for its creatures, and for its future. More information and purchase tickets in advance here.
As part of a global movement demanding banks, insurers, and financial institutions stop the money pipeline to fossil fuels, launched the Fossil Free Federal Reserve campaign last month. The campaign demands President Biden appoint a climate champion as Fed Chair, and for the Federal Reserve to:
• End bank fossil fuel finance
• Divest and invest
• Push banks to invest
I got this email out too late to include information about the excellent Better Path Presents webinar last night with Mark Jacobson and Sandra Steingraber as they talked about why Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a false climate solution. Gratefully, the recording is already available here!
Check out this great video from the June 2021 Walk For Our Grandchildren when a group of Grandparents walked from Scranton, PA to Wilmington, DE to advocate for communities that are impacted by serious environmental devastation, and to protest Chase Bank’s funding of fossil fuel projects that contribute to climate change. You’ll notice some NC friends in the video!
September 8, They Knew: 50 Years of the US Government Causing the Climate Crisis
1 pm, online
This monthly Creation Justice webinar will feature James Gustave (Gus) Speth, a leading environmental voice in recent decades as he releases a new book entitled, They Knew—The US Federal Government’s Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis. Naomi Klein has described it as “a damning record that will become a potent tool for justice.” RSVP here.
This monthly Creation Justice webinar will feature James Gustave (Gus) Speth, a leading environmental voice in recent decades as he releases a new book entitled, They Knew—The US Federal Government’s Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis. Naomi Klein has described it as “a damning record that will become a potent tool for justice.” RSVP here.
Also, check out this recording of the July Creation Justice webinar entitled False Solutions: Climate Policies That Fail.
Sign the petition here to President Biden to say No MVP/MVP Southgate!
Stop Line 3
Write the Army Corps of Engineers’ Jamie Pinkham to call for a full federal environmental impact statement to assess threats to treaty rights, water protection, and climate. Link here.
Bail fund:
Legal fees:
Check out this interview on Democracy Now! with Giniw Collective founder Tara Houska to understand the importance of supporting them!
Everyone deserves clean water! Tell your Congressmember to protect public drinking water by co-sponsoring the PFAS Action Act of 2021. Send a letter here.
HB951 must be stopped! Duke Energy and the NC House Republicans “Ratepayer Rip-off Bill” has passed the House and is now in the Senate. Contact your NC Senators and tell them to vote NO on HB951! Find your legislators here. More information from Energy Justice NC here.
Check out this article by Josh McClenney about the bill, Proposed NC energy bill would enrich Duke Energy at its customers’ expense.
Stop Formosa Plastics
The Formosa Plastics complex must be halted. If built, the complex would pollute a predominantly Black community, degrade wetlands and deepen the plastic pollution crisis. Sign this petition to President Biden urging him to stay true to his commitment to environmental justice and revoke the permits now.
Urge Congress to Cancel Utility Debt
Rep. Rashida Tlaib recently introduced the Maintaining Access to Essential Services Act, which would provide nearly $40 billion to help wipe away household water, power and broadband debt across the country. Sign this petition to urge Congress to cancel utility debt.
Oct 11-15, People vs. Fossil Fuels: Mass Civil Disobedience in DC
Organized by the Build Back Fossil Free coalition ahead of the upcoming UN COP26 climate negotiations, actions will target President Biden and the White House. More details soon!
Oct 17-18, Faiths 4 Climate Justice: A Global Multi-Religious Action
Two weeks before the global climate negotiations, people of diverse religions will rise to send a message: destroying the planet is against our religions. More information here.
I will end with an inspiring song by Pacific Warrior Mia Kami called Rooted. Thanks for reading. Take care of yourselves!
Peace and love for our beautiful Earth, Karen