JOIN US!!! Climate Action RI partners with University of Rhode Island students to protest the opponents of Rhode Island’s offshore wind projects on Tuesday, December 19 at 5:15PM.
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WHAT: Protest the opposition to RI Offshore Wind Energy
WHEN: Tuesday, December 19, 5:15pm
WHERE: The Elms, 367 Bellevue Ave. Newport, RI 02840
WHO: Anybody who cares about a safe habitable planet
The Preservation Society of Newport has filed a lawsuit in attempt to stop the offshore wind projects off the coast of Rhode Island because they say it will “spoil the view” on the ocean horizon and hurt tourism. Rhode Island needs these offshore wind farms including the large Revolution Wind project to supply renewable energy to southern New England, to create well-paying unionized jobs and to fulfill the equitable goals of the Act on Climate mandate. We must avert the worst effects of the Climate Crisis that will bring even more rising seas, warming waters and damaging storms to our coast. Ending dependence on fossil fuels and creating more clean renewable energy is more important than the privileged few having an “unspoiled view” on the horizon. Learn more about the opposition to wind power on