On March 23, 2023 Climate Action Rhode Island activists came out for the National Day of Action in the city of Providence, RI. In partnership with Third Act and Stop the Money Pipeline, CARI participated in the nationwide event held in cities across the U.S. to call out the big banks and investors that fund the fossil fuel industry and help perpetuate the climate crisis.

CARI held a press conference at Providence City Hall attended by activists, politicians and media. At the conference CARI activist Gayle Gifford presented the goals of a report a team is preparing on the fossil fuel industry investments by Rhode Island institutions and municipalities.

Following the press conference, activists gathered for a march through the streets of Providence leading to branches of two of the big banks that lend billions to the fossil fuel industry. Activists chanted, gave speeches and ceremoniously cut up their credit and bank cards in front of the bank branches.

Uprise RI and the Providence Journal articles provided excellent coverage of the press conference and march.
There was also extensive national coverage of events nationwide:

Watch the CARI two-minute video montage of the day’s events on YouTube:


Here’s a gallery of photos taken by CARI activists in Providence on the National Day of Action:

Providence City Hall

CARI President Justin Boyan 

Gayle Gifford from CARI presents the report on fossil fuel funding

Mark Lebeau, press secretary to Rhode Island General Treasurer James Diossa

Michelle Cortez Harkins from Harkins Wealth Management

A beautiful portrait of former Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci hangs above the crowd

CARI Activists Kara Provost and Tim Riker

Activists brought home-made signs into the press conference

CARI Activists gather on Providence City Hall steps

Activists gather at Bank of America across from Kennedy Plaza

Diane Hill delivers a rousing speech on the dirty banking practices of Bank of America

Activists cut up their bank cards to end their banking relationships 

Jeannine Giguere-Gagnon tells Bank of America what’s what

Uprise RI Journalist Steve Ahlquist chronicles every moment of the event

