To Rhode Island House District 68 voters,
Climate Action Rhode Island (CARI), the Rhode Island affiliate of, is proud to announce its enthusiastic endorsement of Laufton Ascencao for Rhode Island House District 68 Representative, representing parts of Bristol and Warren.
The climate crisis poses an existential threat to humanity and to Rhode Island in particular. Our survival depends on electing bold leadership that will end our dependence on fossil fuels. With that fact in mind, CARI endorses political candidates based on their commitment to policies that support renewable energies, ratchet down carbon emissions, and move our society towards an environmentally sustainable future.
Laufton has a history of driving efforts to fight the climate crisis. He was the Campaign Manager on the EnergizeRI Coalition, which is dedicated to passing an environmentally-just carbon pricing bill in Rhode Island. He helped educate candidates on environmental issues, as well as supported candidates with strong environmental credentials. He has also helped transition boats onto solar and electric motors.
Laufton has made protecting the environment against climate change one of his top priorities. His climate plan includes heavy state investment in renewable energy, which will also create thousands of jobs. He supports putting a price on carbon to ensure polluters pay for the transition to renewables. In addition, he plans to work to develop programs that help communities prepare for the effects of climate change, recognizing the sooner we start, the more we can mitigate these effects.
While CARI is focused on fighting the climate crisis, we recognize that a commitment to other environmental issues is an indicator of a strong climate advocate. Laufton has worked on a successful campaign to ban plastic bags in Bristol, and is currently working to do the same in Warren. Additionally, he has used his diving experience to help with stock transplants.
For these reasons, Climate Action RI enthusiastically endorses Laufton Ascencao for District 68 Representative. He will help lead our state to the forefront of climate action, environmental sustainability, and shared prosperity.


Kendra Anderson, President (Warwick, RI)
Joseph Tudino, Politics Committee (Scituate, RI)
