Endorsed Candidate: Michelle McGaw
Candidate for: House District 71 (Little Compton, Portsmouth, Tiverton)
Endorsing committee: CARI Politics Team – Newport region

Climate Action Rhode Island (350.org/ri) is delighted to announce its endorsement of Michelle McGaw for District 71 State House Representative, representing Little Compton, Portsmouth, and Tiverton.

Both Democratic candidates in the race completed CARI’s questionnaire and were interviewed by members of CARI’s Newport regional team. Both Michelle McGaw and John Edwards have an acute understanding of the current climate emergency, and agree that Rhode Island and its residents are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Both agree that action must be taken on a local and state level in order to mitigate this crisis, and have given thought and consideration to the issue. In addition, both were a pleasure to interview and would be great to work with.

However, of the two candidates, Michelle McGaw stands out as a stauncher ally of the climate movement with a deep commitment to bring this issue to the forefront. Her values align most closely with those of Climate Action RI. Her campaign prominently features climate as an issue of primary concern, and she has been endorsed by Sunrise RI and Renew New England. She speaks with knowledge and breadth about the effects of the climate crisis on Rhode Island and Rhode Islanders, and is passionate about climate justice. Among others, she has plans to encourage green business practices, reduce transportation associated fossil fuel consumption, reduce plastics pollution and increase production of renewable energy. Ms. McGaw is as appalled as we are at the lack of passed climate legislation and plans to fight to change this. She has signed onto the ECRI Climate Crisis Campaign Statement, the Green New Deal Pledge, and the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.

We believe that Michelle McGaw will be a strong force behind advancing the climate cause at the statehouse, and will advocate ceaselessly for renewable energy and climate justice. We urge all residents of District 71 (Portsmouth, Tiverton, and Little Compton) to cast a vote for Michelle McGaw on September 8th.
