CARI is proud to endorse Leonela Felix, an attorney and long-time Pawtucket resident, for State Representative in District 61 (Pawtucket). Leonela is passionate about fighting the intersecting battles for climate justice, racial justice, and economic justice. She is determined to do more for her district and for those who do not have a voice: “We must put those vulnerable communities at the front. Both the costs of an extractive fossil fuel system and the disastrous effects of the climate crisis fall disproportionately on immigrants, low-income communities, and people of color — in other words, on families like mine.” Leonela is open about the prevailing inaction regarding climate issues in the state, and plans to push for a state-level Green New Deal right here in Rhode Island. She also knows the barriers that keep working people from participating fully in the governmental process, and plans to advocate for a more open and accessible process, so that the voice of the people may be heard.
